Big Fraud! How Power-Hungry South Sudan’s Gen. Akol Koor Kuc Swindled Over $1B Meant For Buying Food, Fuel And Medicine For Starving S. Sudanese

By DetectiveUg Correspondent Juba: A new report released by a Washington DC (US) based investigations Organization, The Sentry indicates that nearly one billion US dollars vanished in a massive bank credit scam that had devastating, deadly impacts on communities across South Sudan. These monies, according to the investigators, exchanged hands with the high top-ranking military and Government officials of South

detective detective

Hidden Fortune: The Unsung Success Of Balaam Barugahara Emerging From The Shadows Into A Young Billionaire

For decades now, one of the most under estimated and under rated, yet very sophisticated dynamite is that very humble, vulnerable looking yet very powerful Munyoro man, who has for decades cut an edge in marketing, Media, real Estate, politics and humanism. Dr.Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi was born July, 28,1979 (44 yrs ago) to late Engineer David Balaam Byenkya Akiiki of

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Ministry Of Trade Injects Millions To Put Face Lift On Its Offices At Farmers’ House

 Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Co-operation has renovated its offices at Farmers House located on Parliamentary Avenue that has been in a sorry state for years. Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Geraldine Ssali confirmed that the facility’s two floors have been fully renovated with new sets of equipment, including office furniture, doors, windows, electrical systems, plumbing systems, internet

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